Thursday, November 17, 2011

Is their Restaurants in Alaska?

We have many of the same food chains as the lower 48. I think our local restaurants are the best, just as everyone else thinks about their own local stores. The most popular restaurant is called Moose's Tooth, it is a pizzeria. All of the pizza has interesting toppings and they are all delicious. They make their own root beer and cream soda, which is another must when you go here. This place is packed at all times of the day no matter what time it is. They have another restaurant on the other side of town called Bears Tooth. This place sells the same type of food but it has a movie theater attached. They play movies that are no longer in the theater but not out on DVD yet, so the tickets are only $3. Inside the theater they have tables so you can order pizza before the movie starts and they will bring it to you while you are watching the movie. These two places are the place to be..... everyone loves Moose's Tooth and Bears Tooth!
FUN FACT: Moose's Tooth and Bears Tooth are named after 2 mountain peaks, the ones in the picture!!!!

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