Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Do You Ride a Polar Bear to School?

This commonly asked question, that again is completely a huge misenterpretation. I live in Anchorage, the biggest city in Alaska, we drive everywhere. The only public transportation we have is the city bus but no one ever takes this because driving is so much more convenient in this type of city. Polar bears are actually no where near Anchorage, they are much farther north, sadly I have never seen one in the wild before. Brown bears and black bears are common to see on hiking trails not far from the city. I have actually experienced many encounters with bears and I do not particularly enjoy them. The most common wild animal to see is a moose, they can be found around the city, in neighborhoods, at schools, crossing streets or even in your front yard! This is an abandoned baby moose I found at the beach this summer :(
Fun Fact! In small villages in northern Alaska everyone drives four wheelers and snowmobiles everywhere! Even elementary kids have their own and they drive themselves to school. This is a elementary school parking lot in a small village in Alaska. 

1 comment:

  1. I love everything about this post! My best friend lives in Quebec City, and we traveled north of her house by four hours. Up there, most people get around in snowmobiles as well, and they even have snowmobile paths along the sides of the highways! So neat.
