Saturday, October 22, 2011

Is there snow all year round?

Even though Alaska is colder than what people in the lower 48 are used to, Anchorage still gets a summer without snow. The summers are beautiful, the sun does not set until midnight so the days seem so much longer! The snow normally beings to fall in late October or early November and it will constantly stay on the ground until late April. I don't think the winters are too cold in Anchorage they are just really long. On top of the long winters the days get really short, the sun will rise around 10am and set around 4pm. This makes many people depressed, but it does not really affect me because it is so gradual. The Alaskan weather seems so extreme to someone who has never visited, that is true but it is very adjustable.

FUN FACT! Alaska is the state that is the most North, East, and West!