Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Is Alaska an island?

Well Alaska is definitely not an island, it is actually connected to Canada. We do have a lot of coast, which makes fishing a huge attraction for tourists and locals. In the summers fishing becomes a regular activity for many families. On the weekends they will go out and spend all weekend fishing and camping. This is so much fun to just leave the city and spend the weekend with family and friends. Fishing also brings many summer jobs to Alaska. People for m all over the world come to commercial fish in the summers. It also gives students in high school or college a well paid summer job even though it is very hard work. One fun activity that happens every year is called the Silver Salmon Derby. They tag some specific fish earlier in the year and whoever catches one of the same tagged fish wins a prize. Also whoever catches the heaviest fish wins $10,000! People from all over come to participate in this competition. This is a picture of some halibut I caught with my cousin and dad on a fishing trip last summer.

FUN FACT!!! Alaska has more coast than the whole lower 48 put together!

1 comment:

  1. Its really great that Alaska is not only known for uphill adventure - but for fishing too.

    Photos of Alaska
